Excellences Magazines Web Site
- Festival de Cultura del Caribe: Something Other Than Just Yelling.

With talent and imagination, it is possible to make lasting artistic productions no matter if budget is slim. With this idea, Festival Internacional de Cultura (International Cultural Festival) was born as a small fest in 1986 in Isla Mujeres. Later, it became the most lasting artistic event in Quintana Roo.
Fortunately, Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez governorship has provided continuity for the festival, initiated in 1988, interrupted in 2000, and taken up again in 2011 with singular characteristics.
The island´s cultural promoters showed, since 1986, that with a restrained budget, good taste, intelligence and logistics it is possible to orchestrate a well-done festival where bands, groups and artists from Mexico and neighboring countries can participate.
Coordinating a festival that reaffirms cultural links among the Caribbean peoples requires first-rate promoters, qualified and educated people, who are sensitively informed about Caribbean artistic life, and the convergence of the most representative artists in their different expressions and products from popular culture.
In order to pick up what has been lost it is necessary that authorities understand the power of culture, as a phenomenon of social cohesion that may ennoble souls and assume, with civilizing eagerness, the multiple identities present in Quintana Roo scene. It is not about a runway and much less in a festival that makes us the mirror of Mexico for countries that do propose their refined and splendorous art.

Agustín Labrada