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Caribbean’s Excellences had the opportunity to interview the most representative people of tourism.

Oscar Espinosa VillaReal. Mexico´s Secretary of Tourism

What is the tourist tendency in the Caribbean region? I think tourist look for greater diversity, they want more integrality and diversification. That is the only way to guarantee, on a long term basis, that we will have successful destinations.

How are going to be the relations of Mexico with other Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean? We intend to improve them strengthen them. Recent experience from interviews and ageements with Caribbean countries has revealed the political desire of all, to improve and strengthen our relations.

Mª Fernanda Valencia. Colombia’s Vice Minister of Tourismo.

What significance has had the creation of an independent Ministry of Tourism for Colombia? It is not an independent Ministry as such, which would be ideal. It is a pretty advanced and special body; it is a joint fund made of public and private contributions, on which the society and the private sector are making a great effort.

What do you think of multidestination tourism? We have a joint promotion for South America called PROSUR. With this project we pretend to position in the international markets, the South American mark in blocks, which would be very favorable for all.

What does Colombia think of Spain as sender of tourism and bridge inside Europe to promote Colombian tourism? It would definitely be the bridge city. At present, it is the city with more foreign investments in Colombia.

Would you like to say anything else? Yes. I would like to say that our consolidated tourist destinations have no problems with security. We are pacific and kind people, we treat tourists well, you can make and get highly qualified tourism in Colombia.

Félix Jiménez Jiménez. Dominican Republic’s Minister of Tourism

What does the Dominican Republic has to offer, facing other Caribbean countries? Within the Caribbean islands, we have the most beautiful beaches in the whole planet; we have three or four beaches identified by United Nations as the best. Tourists can find colonial architecture, recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO. There are also great wonders in Puerto Plata such as La Isabela, the only house Columbus had in America. Santo Domingo has more than 1.600 km of coast, from which more than 500 km are white sand; we have paradise-like beaches, small islands near our shores..., we also have mountain tourism, tourism of adventure that joins the tourism of our shores to practice water sports.

Do you think Multidestinational tourism could be interesting to any Caribbean region? I believe so; in that way, tourists will be able to enjoy the variety of colors the Caribbean has to offer; all the mixtures and possibilities that we were mentioning at the beginning of our conversation. We also prepare routes in our country that show a diversity of things that only the Dominican Republic can offer.

Sr. Carlos Ros. Costa Rica’s Minister of Tourism.

What is the importance of Europe as sender of tourism to Costa Rica? Europe is the second region in importance after the United States and Canada.Within our budgetary limitations, we have defined that for 1998 and 1999, we are going to function normally for the first time in the European market whith promotional and publicity campaigns for consumers.

What do you think of multidestination in the Caribbean? We have been performing a joint work to position Central America as tourist multidestination. There is a great opportunity to unite Central American countries as one umbrella, as one destination where we could extend the stay of visitors that arrive into the region.

Do you think that our magazine, has a place in this world ? I believe so. I definitely think that although there is a large number of magazines out in the market, its name: Caribbean Excellencies and its specific location, can succeed.

Hermann Luis Soriano. Venezuela’s Minister of Tourism.

Distinguished Minister, What do you consider most important in the world of Caribbean promotion: Ecological tourism, Sustained Tourism or Multidestination? I think those are compatible actions but we are in a great promotion of Venezuela as multidestination, in only one country.

Within the group of actions for tourism, what is the most important you are creating? We have sponsored a very important program with boarding-houses and tourist camps, on which great protection is given to Nature and the Environment with financial resources from the State that have been put to the disposition of promoters.

Is there anything else you would like to say? We are making a strong effort to diversify the tourist poles of the country. So far, we have developed Isla Margarita in a special way but, we also have other areas as beautiful as Margarita that still don’t have the necessary infra structure.