For a reason that her own career perfectly explains, when many of us in Cuban theater mention Berta Martínez, we immediately think of Federico García Lorca. And Berta Martinez herself is responsible for this: her staging of Lorca plays became a sort of benchmark because of her way of understanding the infinite possibilities of words, poetry, lights and the stage.
In the early seventies, she directed her first Lorca work on stage, Bernarda, a very experimental work by then. In 1980, she premiered Bodas de sangre, which is the consummation of her style. Once again, she worked with the Spanish dramatist´s plays by staging “La casa de Bernarda Alba” and “La zapatera prodigiosa.” She knew how to get to the heart of a Spain without folkloric affectations. Her Lorca works staging is, without a doubt, Andalusian and Caribbean at par.
This woman has just died in Havana. She had been bestowed with the National Theater Award and was a teacher of many generations. In Cuba, when we say Lorca, we immediately think of her. I think that is an honor that nobody – ever - will be able to deny.
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