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An unnamable party

The 34th edition of the International Jazz Plaza 2019 Festival has been, if not the best, at least one of the most successful ones during the thirty-nine years gone by since the inception of this event of Cuban jazz musicians.
After thirty-four editions, the Jazz Plaza is consolidated as an event of great prestige on an international scale: an evidence of the jazz movement that among the musicians of our country, whether in Cuba or in the diaspora, presents itself to defend a legitimate and revolutionary sound that already transcends the borders of what is known as Afro-Cuban jazz.
The organizers of the Jazz Plaza should start working early in the preparation of the edition of 2020, when the forty years of this unprecedented celebration of Cuban jazz musicians and lovers of the genre, put into motion in the modest theater of the “Casa de Cultura” at Calzada and 8th street, will be celebrated. Because of all that much and good this festival has regaled us with since its inception, it deserves to reach its four decades of existence with flying colors.

Joaquín Borges-Triana, crítico de música