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Miguel Poveda “goes Lorca” in Granada

The Enlorquecido tour, by Miguel Poveda, is now history. After almost seven months touring stages of Spain and France, the Catalan musician has returned to Granada to close this musical cycle with which he pays homage to the great Andalusian poet Federico García Lorca.
After his presentation at the Lorca Center in the city, on May 18, Enlorquecido, went on sale on CD and vinyl format. On June 8, he began in Barcelona «the most special tour» of his career, as the singer himself has defined this trip that took him to some twenty cities, from the main Spanish capitals and festivals of the year to emblematic places of flamenco like Utrera, in Seville.
He put the finishing touch on December 20 in the crowded Sala Lorca of the Palacio de Ferias y Congresos of Granada. Almost three hours of concert, in which those present were able to delve into “the universe of the thousands of Federicos that exist: the enthusiastic one, the happy one, the sad one, the committed one, the traveler, the lover of what is cult and popular, and also obsessed with death but also with life...», and in those of a Poveda that can be cante jondo, a celebrity, romantic and even a poet.

Yordanis Ricardo Pupo, enviado especial