Excellences Magazines Web Site
Walking hand in hand

Since our debut back in 1997, the Tourist Excellencies team has been steadily growing. All through these years, our editorial staff and publicity team have fought with might and main to turn our magazines into constructive, informational and useful means of communication for those adventure-spirited readers willing to learn more about the Americas and the Caribbean who have found different and exclusive information in the pages of our magazines. In them, we talk about traditions, ethnology, culture, geography and much more on this neck of the woods we’ve specialized in. Our guidebooks stand for information and backup tools –both before traveling to the destination and once you’re in it- to make you feel a stronger part of the ambience and move around faster and safer. With this working style in mind, we have also tried to provide the professional sector with a useful instrument to keep customers posted on those destinations that counted on very little written information in the past, and also let them be hipped on the outlay and location of new hotels and complementary tourist activities.

To all the friends who supported her till the end, to all those advertised companies that also trusted her, we want to appreciate their unconditional support and kind-heartedness. Thank you on behalf of Charo. Thank you very much on behalf of our entire editorial team.

Jose Carlos de Santiago