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Living Longer and Better


The world is experiencing a geriatrization process of the society. The number of senior citizens is growing worldwide —more than any other age segment. It is generating a fast ageing of the population and as a result, life expectancy increases. Ageing with the best possible quality of life seems to be one of today’s greatest challenge.
Just as experts state, it is a challenge that can be only face with information and specific programs on active ageing and the promotion of a positive image of senior citizens by fostering their active role. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined active ageing as the process in which health opportunities, participation, and safety are optimized with the purpose of improving the life quality of people as they age.
Ageing is directly linked to genetics and daily routines. Thus, the sooner we take care of ourselves, the better life quality we will have and our life expectancy will be extended in healthier ways. In this regard, as specialists point out, it is necessary to develop healthy daily routines, both physically and psychologically.
Maintaining a proper nutrition and doing regular physical exercise could improve our quality of life over the years. This combination benefits the health of our heart and helps us to prevent a great deal of disease. 
A good sign to be on a healthy diet is to try calorie restriction and eat moderately: lots of fruits and vegetables, less meat, and avoid the excessive consumption of alcohol at high concentrations. Likewise, physical activity should be moderate as the excessive exercise may cause oxidative stress. Thirty or forty minutes of physical activity are enough, carefully chosen according to age and the specific physical shape of each individual.
Additionally, it is paramount to control our stress level as it has been proven its negative effect on “bad” hormone increase —i.e. cortisol whose release would certainly trigger the ageing process dramatically. Experts also advise to guarantee the quality of sleep and do it in complete darkness. If not, melatonin is not released affecting the reinvigorating property of sleep. One hour before sleep, we must avoid watching any screen as this process stimulates the brain activity.
If you are 40, 50, or 60 these changes in your daily routine look like you are investing for maintain yourself active and healthy throughout your whole life. Living longer and better is achieved by anticipating future problems.

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