Excellences Magazines Web Site
- The art of Cuban cocktails

There is no question that mixology is an art -nobody doubts it. To the mixture of ingredients, aromas, colors and techniques, you must add imagination, sensitivity, creativity, talent and a lot of magic. The bartender -or barman- is, therefore, an artist whose work is not only gastronomic but also cultural, economic and social. Our island, then, is full of artists who are blessed by a genuine tradition, because when they create a new cocktail or prepare a mojito, a daiquiri, a presidente, a mulata...they combine today´s life with the history, the culture and the heritage of those who started this art in Cuba.
Our modern bar is not the same as the one that existed more than a century ago. Life has imposed new canons. Today´s Cuban bartenders have not been able to match the bartenders and their drinks in that era of glory and splendor. However, backed by all that history, the quality of their services and the cocktails they conceive and serve every day at any tourist or gastronomic facility in the country, under the spell of centuries-old cobbled city streets, flavor and poetry, have made it possible for our Havana, the great Havana, the unforgettable Havana, to have been declared the Capital of the Iberian-American Cocktail.

Erasmo Gutiérrez