There’re emblematic places which by their meaning, history, location and other attributes, deserve to be visited. The Half World City, in Quito, capital city of the Republic of Ecuador is, without a doubt, one of those key points in the planet where visitants have a special feeling of happiness.
Quito, as said before, represents the capital city of the Republic of Ecuador, located over the plain of Guayllabamba, by the western hillsides of the active volcano named Pichincha, on the eastern of the Andes, at a height of 2 850 metres above sea level.
It is the Spanish conquer of December the 6th in 1534 most recognized as the origin of this city. On May the 13th in 1830, the Republic of Ecuador was established, and its capital city Quito, when it’s definitely separated from Great Colombia.
This city’s worthy of God’s face as epithet since it’s the highest point of the planet, therefore the nearest to the sun, next to the Pichincha Mountain, besides its famous religious buildings, artistic, cultural and ancient treasures; and for the town itself where narrow and steep streets may be seen, as well as the natural resources. That’s the reason why it is also known as City of heavens, Half World; The World’s Soul, Light of America…
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