Excellences Magazines Web Site
- La Ronda: a project without borders for the song

The peñas in the south, especially in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru, were traditional spaces where people would gather to sing, dance, drink and eat while listening to folk music and practicing local customs. In those gatherings, the passion of the oppressed was let loose. In Cuba, however, the peña is not subject to a specific music genre. That is why there are many spaces where the artists of the city usually meet. One of the most recognized is El Mejunje de Silverio in Santa Clara, where every Thursday, for more than twenty years, the «Peña de los Trovadores» of the «La Trovuntivitis» group takes place.
With this reference, while I was living in Medellín, we decided to meet several singer-songwriters to create La Ronda. Thanks to life (which has been so generous to us,) we were finally able to connect and generate special moments with groups such as La Trovuntivitis and other peñas in Cuba, which inspired us to start all this. Our joy is immense. The desire to continue making music to be shared and enjoyed continues apace.
In short, a peña, as understood in Spain, is also a great group of friends.

Jorge Zurita