Excellences Magazines Web Site
- France in Cuba...and vice versa

France in Cuba...and vice versaThe Arte por Excelencias magazine had an exclusive meeting with the main promoter of the Mes de la Cultura Francesa (The French Culture Month), Mr. Jean-Marie Bruno, ambassador of France to our country. Here is a summary of what he expressed:
«It's a long history of cultural exchanges that began more than two hundred years ago. We are in a new stage, a more dynamic and active one, of the cultural cooperation between our two countries, after the decision of President François Hollande, when he visited Cuba in 2015, to launch here a Month of the French Culture.
»This is the third time that the Embassy has organized this event, with two objectives: first, to allow the Cuban public to discover the creativity and diversity of contemporary French cultural creation; second, to create a lasting cooperation between the world of French culture and the world of Cuban culture in all manifestations: plastic arts, dance, theater, architecture and urban planning, a whole range that allows an exchange between our societies.
»We are two nations that consider that culture is not a commodity, that culture is a right, that it is part of the integral development of the human being, and that the State has a particular role in the promotion of cultural expressions and equality of access to culture».

Jorge Fernández Era