The São Paulo Biennial, projecting itself as gigantic as the Brazilian land, will be held from September 7 to December 9 in the historic Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo. Recognized as one of the most important spaces for contemporary art in the country and the continent, the great value of this 33rd edition is the focus on Latin art.
The theme to which the seven curators must respond in their spaces is «affective affinities», a play on words that fuses the core of literary works such as «Elective Affinities» by Goethe, and «The Affective Nature of Form in the Work of Art», the doctoral thesis of Brazilian critic Mário Pedrosa.
The seven invited artists are Alejandro Cesarco (Uruguay), Antonio Ballester Moreno (Spain), Claudia Fontes (Argentina), Mamma Andersson (Sweden), Wura-Natasha Ogunji (United States), and Sofía Borges and Waltercio Caldas (Brazil). Each one will also expose meeting the requirements of the theme chosen in their curatorial process.
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