Excellences Magazines Web Site
- Cubans at the Madrid Art Week

At the Contemporary Art Week in Madrid, during February 21-25, a group of Cuban galleries and creators continued to make their way into the Spanish and European markets. Arte por Excelencias followed their tracks in the Spanish capital and was able to confirm the good health of the younger generations of contemporary artists on the Caribbean island.
In Art Madrid, one of Arco's collateral events, the star was Collage Habana. The oldest of the Cuban galleries in this type of international meetings has participated in twelve of its thirteen editions, and well-known names like Roberto Fabelo, Manuel Mendive or José Bedia have been known here thanks to the work of this institution, belonging to the Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales (FCBC).
The Collage Habana proposal was very well received by collectors, critics, students of visual arts and art history.
We talked with Sandra García, one of the specialists of the gallery, who told us that this year they are committed to emerging artists from the Post-it contest: Andy Llanes, Roldán Lauzán and Daniel Rodríguez Collazo.
«Collage distinguishes itself by being very elegant and this time it makes a production again, devised by the protagonists themselves, which avoids the typical chaos of an art fair, even if that means showing less artists and works. We bring mostly painting, but with a lot of emphasis on drawing. And although the three of them have different styles, there is a technical skill in drawing that stands out in the context of young Cuban art».
Collage Habana sales at Art Madrid exceeded seventy thousand euros, but rather than the economic results, its directors highlight the importance of dealing directly with collectors and specialized audiences, as well as the possibility of promoting and positioning Cuban contemporary art
at an international level.

Yordanis Ricardo Pupo