Excellences Magazines Web Site
- All You Need Is Love.

Once again, Havana’s Lennon Park regains the splendor it had twenty five years ago, when it became the public space our musicians borrowed to summon crowds every December 8, as a tribute to John Lennon. Such was the significance of this event that sculptor Villa Soberón recreated a sculptural ensemble of this ex-Beatle seated on a bench of the park, which monument was unveiled by commander in chief Fidel Castro along with troubadour Silvia Rodriguez on December, 2000.
Although the sculpture is continuously visited either by nationals or eventual foreigners visiting our country, last June1 there took place a cultural event we Cubans were not oblivious to. It was the possibility of being able to enjoy, side by side to this Lennon of the park, a great gig commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the release for the British market of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band record by The Beatles.
It is obvious that all the previous work made by the “Liverpool Boys” before the abovementioned album is extremely well known, but frankly the presence of Sgt. Pepper’s… album not only meant a remarkable proposal in the band’s repertoire but represents a signal of having reached that professional maturity that transformed the prospects of rock forever.
If, on occasion of the inauguration of the statue in Lennon’s Park, we stated that Lennon felt great in his new home due to the great affection Cubans felt for him, this has nothing to do with fiction. We are simply the spokesmen of a popular will of all those who assume The Beatles music with the same universal clamor of all peoples of the world. So, Lennon has a permanent resident status because he feels Cuban.
And from this very park named on his honor, musicians and fans of his band, who are thousands in our country, on June 1 we honored a work of exceptional art in the history of music. Together with his best smile, Lennon reiterated to us, once again, the profound value of one of the most famous choruses of his songs: All you need is love…!

Guille Vilar