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- My roll, my movie.

Speaking a day after knowing the result of the elections in the United States on how the American presence will behave in this edition of the Festival is unknown.
Last year we did the first festival after the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, in a favorable climate aimed at talking and understanding, but now we have another scenario. However, we have lived during these last 38 years more difficult times, especially in the time of Reagan, when it was almost impossible for American filmmakers to come to the Festival.
Nevertheless, the relationship of the Festival, from its origins, with the most progressive North American filmmakers has always been very close. We have built stable relationships that have been maintained; for example, the first Honor Chorus the Festival awarded was to an American, Jack Lemmon.
The Festival has a long tradition of relations with North American creators, with the Sundance Institute that directs Robert Redford and has also maintained an exhibition of independent cinema of that country.
On the other hand, we maintain a fruitful relationship with the Hollywood Academy; in 1994, we obtained the nomination to the Oscar with Fresa y Chocolate, by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea.
This Festival will have a special moment with the presentation of the restored copy of Memorias del Subdesarrollo, made by the Bologna Film Institute, as part of the worldwide project of North American director Martin Scorsese.
This year we will have the presence of two very beloved actresses: Marisa Paredes and Sonia Braga, who for the first time come to Cuba. We have also invited famous American filmmakers such as Oliver Stone and Brian De Palma.

Diana Rosa Riesco