It is necessary to be fair and recognize that most state gallerists, without an appropriate salary, have worked hard to achieve sales of the Cuban art. Neither does the gallery have an autonomous capital for investment in promotion and management, nor do they have means of transport that serve to take potential clients to the studios and houses of the artists (the marketing way that works best in our context). And despite everything, certain results have been achieved. Although they are not of the amount that could be obtained if the conception of art market responded to a more realistic view of the problem within and from our country.
The truth is that the specialists and officials have worked in galleries devoid of a stable and close folder of collectors and other buyers, because in Cuba there is no considerable sector of internal consumption of visual arts. Sometimes they have only been able to project themselves taking advantage of the successes of artists and curators who have been able to open external commercial links by own means or through dealers and investors.
Our authorized art sellers have often felt “tied to hands” and unable to systematize that effective sales chain, which is what allows multiplying financial results and put in a successful commercial circulation more artists.
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