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T he 18th Habano Festival will host the 15th edition of the International Habanosommelier Contest with the additional attraction of seeing world champions pitted against one another, something that’s certainly raising the bar in terms of expectations. Both the concept and layout of the famous competition make up a pair that will for sure pique the curiosity of guests eager to delve deeper into the amazing realm of the world’s finest premium cigars. How is this contest organized? What do contestants need to do in order to win? What are the elements that must be studied and assessed? Everything is included and it’s an obligation to lay bare its anatomy. But above all, it’s a desire and a duty.
The event is laid out in four parts.

First: Know the habano
Few things in the whole wide world are the best of their kind. One of them is the habano, the most prestigious tobacco product for its taste, the nature of Cuba’s soils and the climate of the island nation, the knowledge and culture of tobacco growing in our country –piled up for centuries- the extraordinary hard work of the planters, and the months and years of wisdom and patience both on the fields and in the cigar factories.
Knowing how to recognize all the habano brands, their vast and varied vitola stocks, their classifications, taste ranges, the proper vitolas to start a dinner or many other moments, the time for smoking a cigar… you name it. Everything revolving around this magic universe ought to be learned.
But the habano is not assessed in its whole dimension until the customer buys one to puff on it. And here is when the habanosommelier steps in the limelight, the person armed with the knowledge to make a professional sale, to aid in lighting it up, to appreciate its quality, based on his or her advanced senses of smell and taste.
Habanos are not dispatched; they are sold. The sale of habanos is a matter of personal management, consisting of an oral presentation in a conversation with one or more potential customers in a bid to provide information and convince patrons on the benefits, qualities and values ingrained in the purchase of a habano, either in a store, bar or restaurant.

Second: Excel in the knowledge of drinks within his or her universe
The world that flows into the habano, the one that interacts with it, ranges from wines and their intimate ties with the different dishes to spirits and desserts. That world is an indispensable link with the after-meal service that allows the habano to pair easily with its celestial attributes and take us to a feeling of pleasure.
In this bevy of activities and services, there’s only one gastronomic figure capable of getting the job done thanks to his or her professional formation. The habanosommelier lords it in these divine moments. Now, what’s the role of the habanosommelier in modern catering?

Third: What is a habanosommelier?
This Cuban gastronomic figure is trained under the same principles of a regular sommelier, adding the entire after-meal service to their formation as functions they will be bound to perform in the course of their careers. They suggest habanos, drinks and infusions depending on the kind of meal served –elements to be observed closely when serving a habano.
In their formation, habanosommeliers need to acquire specialized knowledge that could let them execute their functions efficiently, always likening the heritage values of Cuban culture to the service they deliver.  

Fourth: The dynamics of the contest  
The habanosommelier contest consists of two stages. The first one is a preliminary round in which competitors suggest pairings between a habano and a drink, their combinations with other elements, and even make presentations with cocktails as they explain away each of the habanos contained in the humidor. This stage also includes a theoretical exam on habanos. Both results are tabbed and compiled by the jurors, with the three highest scores making it to the second and final stage.
Major aspects in this stage are the mastery of the suggested pairing, the theoretical knowledge of the habanos and their vast vitola stocks.
The final test is made up of a professional execution in which finalists are put through their paces in a real situation, a makeshift scenario in which following an alleged dinner with performers, contestants must find out what the patrons ate, as well as their preferences in terms of drinks, wines or spirits. In order to come up with a solution for this challenge, contestants must prove their abilities and skills in lighting up a habano. That’s the way the contest has unfolded over the past fourteen years. However, this time around, in its 15th edition, conditions will change. Champions will engage in a “champions’ challenge” in which they will be faced with new challenges depending on their categories. This will no doubt be one of the highlights of this year’s festival.
Fifth: The champions of the international contest
Cuba leads the scoreboard with four wins, followed by the UK and Spain with two champions apiece, and Austria, the Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Chile and Mexico with one each.


Fernando Fernández Milián