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- A Flagship Company of Cuba’s Healthcare System.

MEDICuba: Saving lives is our main goal


Cuba’s public healthcare system is a benchmark worldwide. It not only stands out due to the quality of its professionals, but the scientific-technical breakthroughs achieved for decades. Its Marketing Deputy President, Doctor Lazaro Silva Herrera, brings us closer to MEDICuba.

What are MEDICuba’s main strengths?
Its main strength is based on the human sensibility. Its workers are convinced that saving lives is the main objective. We’re leaders in the marketing of medical products, thus guaranteeing the quality standards of our products. We’re backed up by a highly-trained staff and we always respect and enrich the country’s social and cultural environment.

What role has MEDICuba played in the export and import of product lines related to the Cuban Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry?
MEDICuba does not import the raw materials used in the Cuban Pharmaceutical Industry, but it has brought in products demanded by this industry when the production has been limited. It also imports products that are later exported by FARMACUBA in a bid to meet international commitments.

What will MEDICuba showcase at the Havana International Trade Show?
MEDICuba intends to keep on strengthening ties with its suppliers and making contacts with new companies that have been assessing the possibilities to do business with our company.

Are there any other projects or perspectives related to the present context of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States?
This development has triggered the interest of US companies on our products and business opportunities on both sides. Everybody knows that we can establish a dialogue in many ways and sign concrete agreements in the healthcare area. So far, we’ve checked on a number of needs we might be interested in that, because of the blockade, the country hasn’t be able to gain access to or it has been bound to acquire them by means of third parties and at much higher prices. This is an interesting market and we must go deeper into it.

Letty Alvarado