Melted diamond? you bet The National Labs of Sandia in Spain have managed to melt diamonds through the application of extreme pressures. Scientists turned the hardest natural-origin solid material on the face of the earth into a pond by means of the Z Machine, the world’s largest X-ray generator. They simply zapped the diamond’s tiny squares –just a handful nanometers thick- with a pressure charge over 10 million times higher than normal atmosphere at sea level.
Neo Feet Insoles Neo Feet insoles are Mexico-made items that work out some of the commonest foot problems, like pains, weak arches, flat-footedness, high instep, calcareous corn, knee pains, backache and neck ache by means of a pair of high-tech insoles. The use of exclusive software built to design customized insoles that offset body weight and balance on the feet has proved to improve alignment of body bones and standing stance, allowing for better balance, support and rest.
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Is it a Clone or a Robot? Chinese inventor Zou Renti has built a robot that’s nothing but the maker’s spitting image. Mr. Renti unveiled his new machine at the Beijing International Robot Exhibit held last month. China, one of the world’s most developed nations right now –chiefly in robotics- plans to step up scientific and technological breakthroughs this year by as much as 20 percent.
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