Excellences Magazines Web Site

Chasing excellences was the driving force that led us to coming up with this publication you have before your eyes right now with its 100th issue. Nothing beats the pleasure of being consistent with the commitment to promoting tourism advance in this world region, an effort we have devoted our very best efforts. With that same view in mind, the Excelencias Group currently puts out over 30 periodicals, like the Excelencias del Motor, Excelencias Gourmet and Arte por Excelencias supplements, let alone the running of its own travel agency (Excelencias Travel) that opens the doors to travel destinations and offers in Latin America and the Caribbean. With a driving role in our relationships and in the outreach of the tourism industry worldwide, the Caribbean News Digital (CND) newspaper is the leading travel and tourism industry newspaper in Hispanic America and stands for an informative platform of the magazine, reaching out to over 382,000 readers from around the globe in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German and Russian languages. As both witness and stakeholders of the travel industry’s development in the region, we are pleased to have reached this milestone with more new friends, and we are proud of the magnificent cooperation and working ties we have forged with all major international and regional entities in the business, like UNWTO, CTO and CHTA; with local authorities and tourism ministries, with corporate people from an assortment of travel-related fields, as well as with organizers and planners of major fairs and events. We strongly believe that tourism brings development and a brighter future to the Latin American and Caribbean nations. For that reason, we’ll continue to bet on it. I’m grateful of those who embarked on this ride with us and now celebrate the 100th issue. In this new working stage before us, we will honor our new commitments with the same passion and painstakingness of the very first day.

Jose Carlos de Santiago