After thirty-five years of hard work, the fair ArcoMadrid has positioned itself as one of the most important art events in the world. Galleries attending come from all continents.
From February 22 to 26 next year, the prestigious meeting dedicated to contemporary art will open a new chapter of its history. Two hundred galleries distributed between the general program and the commissioned sections will take part in this annual event.
ArcoMadrid 2017 is once again a platform to visualize the work of artists and to promote the exchange between galleries, professionals and collectors, giving the Spanish capital the title of world capital of contemporary art for five days.
Carlos Urroz, director of Arco, spoke with Arte por Excelencias about the importance of the fair, about the way it has expanded its geographical and temporal horizons, and how it adapts to the new times without giving up its condition of meeting point of the most current visions of art.
Precisely on this last point Urroz points out how much Arco has evolved towards a different fair, better suited to the global economic situation.
It's smaller, he says, but focused on quality. "A fair where collectors come to discover new artists thanks to the work we do together with curators who work both in the selection of artists and in presenting new galleries for the first time in a meeting of these magnitudes.”
One of the peculiarities that distinguishes ArcoMadrid - which will have in Argentina the guest country - is the presence of Latin American art. Each year the interest of the gallerists and artists of this part of the world is reaffirmed. Argentina, said Urroz, will be represented by sixteen galleries, although it is worth noting the important assistance of other countries such as Brazil with fourteen gallerias plus Colombia, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua and Peru.
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